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we need help

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:55 am
by lynn
i am a singel mother who lives with my 2 handkip sons i was in a car werck about 3 weeks ago and lost my job .. i got hurt petty bad cant work right now but my oldest son works a with his disablet but we are short on our rent and we have very lil food and i have no way to get to the food banks with out a car .we live 8 mile on way to town and back my son walks to work every day an dhome in the rian to . we are looking for any helo we can find we live in the cleveland ga area so if any one knows where we can get help please let me know thank you all for reding this

Re: we need help

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:36 am
by Admin
Here are several programs and resources for both the state of Ohio and Cleveland. There are many places you can turn to, resources and services to use, and programs that can assist. Contact them and apply. ... grams.html