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Unemployment ended and now in a crisis with eviction

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:23 am
by LittleBigTown
I am one on the millions that have been effected by the termination of the Emergency Unemployment benefit in December 2013. I am facing eviction and desperately need HELP paying back rent. I have an 11 year old daughter that is a high honor roll student.... I have shielded her from the fact that we are going to be evicted....
Thank you.

Re: Unemployment ended and now in a crisis with eviction

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 7:24 am
by Patriots
Eviction Prevention; rental payment assistance due in court August 15. We need assistance to stay in my current apartment. Who do I need to contact for assistance...Time is running out for me as I am unemployed. I need to inform my rental office what if anything will be done to assist me...Can you help or direct me?

Re: Unemployment ended and now in a crisis with eviction

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 3:02 pm
by Denise234
I am in need of rental assistance. I am one month in arrears and need assistance to recover from this setback of my unemployment check running out. I have lived in my present residence for 12 years. The cost of insurance along with other aspects of my life have resulted in my being behind on my rent.
At present I have begun to work to shave the budget which should help long term but do not have the current rent money needed to maintain the living quarters I have occupied for so long. I hope that you can help me to get over this current hump so that I may get back on the right path. Thank you in advance.