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Registration of my car with California DMV

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 12:45 pm
by Rubio
We live in Santa Cruz county, I just found this site by chance. I wish I would have found it much soon, like in February 2011 or April 2012 the times I was homeless and was calling any and everyone for help and we got a big run around. Though we are no longer living in our van, we still need some help.
We have been given a car from a neighbor who I do errands, feed her daily, care for her every day life. She don't go out cause of anxiety. So now I have a car that I can't drive cause it needs to be registered and smogged in California.
The car was never put on non-op so the fees are about 600.00 and smog 50.-75. plus I have a chance to get a good paying job but I need my fingerprints done. But no car, no job no job and then no food, propane, bills. Can some one please help me get the last 2 things I been work towards but I can't do it without a better job and a car. Please help me.

Re: Registration of my car with California DMV

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 4:58 am
by Admin
We are not sure if any agency will help pay for registration or smog tests. But if you have a chance for a good job, and that is the only issue prevetin you from taking it, then maybe try the Santa Cruz community action agency. As they focus on jobs, self-sufficiency, etc. Maybe they know of a grant program to pay the DMV with.
Rubio wrote:So now I have a car that I can't drive cause it needs to be registered and smogged in California.
The car was never put on non-op so the fees are about 600.00 and smog 50.-75. plus I have a chance to get a good paying job but I need my fingerprints done. But no car, no job no job and then no food, propane, bills. Can some one please help me get the last 2 things I been work towards but I can't do it without a better job and a car. Please help me.