My mom fell

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My mom fell

Post by Swifter1 »

I’m writing you from Duval County in Jacksonville Florida. My mother tripped and fell over a month ago, after x-rays and an MRI she was told she has a torn rotator cuff, and she will require surgery. A surgery we can not afford. The orthopedic she is seeing has been very helpful and very generous. As far as the surgery they told us to see THE WILD FLOWER office, but we do not live in the acceptable county. So I was told by the orthopedic office to contact you because you might be able to help.
I sure would love to speak to someone on the phone so we can take care of this matter faster, a surgery is needed today rather than tomorrow. I have looked at the website, but I don’t really know what I need to do, and if I even can apply on the site. So if you can please help me out, be replying back to this, or calling me, so I know what information I need to bring with us to see if she can qualify for medical assistance. I also need help for the office information, such as if we need to book an appointment first or if it is a first come first serve basis. I will be waiting for your reply or call. Thank you very much. I’m handling this matter for my mother because she does not speak English. Again thank you for the help and everything you do.
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Re: My mom fell

Post by Underwood »

Good evening!
I am looking for emergency help with utilities and health care for my mom as well as home improvements for my mom in Leander
We have utilized some in our area designated for us which either has no funds left, hasn’t responded, or who only provide help once a year.  We also currently have no cell phones, and we do have a land line home phone but are house/pet sitting this week and are without a phone all together.  So, email is our only communication. 
 Once we find a place who could help make my moms home fall proof, we could certainly arrange transportation and/or if we have a specific phone appointment can arrange to get to a phone.  This is the email I check continuously so any help, details, or information of how to help my mom who fell would be greatly appreciated, and I will respond quickly.
If you’re able to respond, either way, that would be great!
Thank you so much for your time and consideration and we hope you have a wonderful week????
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