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Need a job in Arizona

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 3:08 pm
by Aldean
I am a 45 year old women that has taught school in the past. I now teach online college courses but never have more then two sometimes have only one, and sometimes no class at all. At the best I only bring in about 1300 a month. I need more income and am living in an area that doesn't have much available.
I would be willing to spend the week in Flagstaff AZ working and come home to Phoenix, AZ, on weekends. But need to find work there. I could sub but that is iffy and I need full time with insurance. I could go back to teaching but would have to take the test in AZ. I have an Ohio credential, and not sure I could pass at this time in my life, and would hate to spend the money to take these and not pass. Also, not sure I want to teach any more, my patience with kids is less than previously in my life. I need a new career!!!
I have an interview with a temporary agency and will see where that takes me. However, if you have a business that could use an educated grandmother I would love to work in a business that is challenging and could use my skills. I know many computer programs and am quick to learn them. I can operate most office machines but need to take it slow, learning too fast and much going on while learning puts me in a fog. I am able to function but seem a bit dense until things become familiar. After a time I catch on and can do almost anything needed in an office. Phones work too if there are not too many lines...maybe three at most. I have done office work in the past before teaching.
I am married but have separate incomes. He is in Michigan and will eventually come to AZ but not until I can find a job that will give him the security to come out and get a job in our area. I want to do my part it is my turn to support us so we can be together again soon.
It may seem like a married, educated women would be able to find a job and I have but none that have insurance and are enough to support me well. I would appreciate anything you could do for me.
I have been subbing recently in Seligman, AZ so have good references from this school district. I also have good reference from past experiences. I am just older than most people want to hire. Please help.

Re: Need a job in Arizona

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 5:11 pm
by Kaufmann
Hey guys,
I read a lot of your articles on your website and they keep me hopeful about opportunities opening up in the future. You guys seem to have a real understanding about maintaining an income, but also having the down time that most people are looking to achieve.
I'll give a brief run down about my situation, if you don't mind. I'll make it quick:
I left high school in Arizona, my father got me a job as an engineer (16/hr. at 18yrs old), and I excelled at it and had more money than ever. Hit a rough patch that destroyed everything in me. Ended up leaving the job because I couldn't work that much and cope with my un-work related issue. It's been hard, extremely hard, to find residual income from home. I've done everything. Online surveys, marketing, buying & selling, everything. I also have a car loan that I, unfortunately, signed on while employed as an engineer ($250/mo.) in Arizona, insurance ($177/mo.) rent ($650/mo.) phone bill and gas (phone: $60/mo. Gas: $100-$250/mo.) and other bills.
Basically, I just want to know what I have to do to get on me feet again and a good job. I've been behind on all bills, never have money, all these bills from doctors, dentists, auto body shops because my car has been messing up, etc. are just coming in and I don't have the money for all of it, and this money situation has destroyed me. I found a job working 3 hours a day 7 days a week, but that is literally the first and only option I've been given....
Just, when does life turn around for me? And I don't have to stress about money anymore?