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Transfer my National Grid service but need to pay the bill

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 5:49 pm
by Bruno
I am moving into a home in Indian Lake, NY. The rent will be $600 per month. I owe National Grid $374.00 and they will not transfer my electric until it is paid. I have MS. I get a Social Security Check on the 3rd of every month in the amount of 918.00. I am seeking assistance to pay National Grid so I am able to move into my new home.

Re: Transfer my National Grid service but need to pay the bi

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 3:56 pm
by Admin
Will National Grid enter into a payment plan for you? Even if you make a good faith payment. Ask them. Maybe that will give you enough flexibility to get the power turned on. Here are other assistance programs from National Grid for New York based households.

Re: Transfer my National Grid service but need to pay the bill

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 11:46 am
by LaveonBell
We desperately need help paying my rent and National Grid. I lost my section 8 due to being incarcerated and my ex-husband breaking into my apartment and living in it while section 8 was paying for it without reporting that I was incarcerated which I thought they already know. I am looking for any help.
There's also a $4000 National Grid bill that was ran up in my name while I was incarcerated. I just really need help.

Re: Transfer my National Grid service but need to pay the bill

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:58 am
by Betty
Hello, My name is Rochelle and I and my 10 year daughter are currently homeless.  I am not able to move into the subsidized apartment complex that I have security deposit and rent for because I have a back bill of $300 to National Grid from the year 2014. Could you please refer me to any agencies that could help me in Rome, NY with my National Grid bill? Thank you.