here is my sad story

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here is my sad story

Post by gramm456 »

I am trying to seek any kind of help i can. i lived with my parents for several years, they were in their 70s and had a number of health problems. my dad had several heart surgeries and one of the artieries in his neck was 100 percent blocked but they couldnt operate because of his other conditions. my mother was in good health until she suffered a severe and debilitating stroke about 5 years ago. my brother already lived at home and i quit my job and moved back home to help out further after my moms stroke.

my father was a southern baptist minister who while not having his own church, devoted his time to helping other churches with getting new members, sunday school courses, church growth and many other areas. my mother, the sweetest woman in the world, worked diligently at his side, helping in her own area of expertise-childrens worship-both did this for over 50 years. my father was also director of florida missions in moorhaven florida and in crestview florida for a short time. he also help the same position in montana for approx 4 or 5 years. good people to say the least. my brothers and i grew up in a christian home and learned to love god and respect others. until recently..

my father had a severe stroke in 2009 on a sunday nite and passed away on nov 11, 3 days later, it was most unexpected. my mother who had been married to my dad, what would have been 60 years in 2011, passed away 7 months later. she just gave up, didnt eat, no liquids and most importantly stopped taking her meds. thankfully she passed away in her sleep and is now with god and my dad. because of their health issues my folks didnt have much insurance and paying for two funerals close together took care of that money pretty quickly. my parents were far from wealthy, my dad believed in giving no matter what the sacrifice and unfortunately my brothers and i were the sacrifice.

i was unemployed while taking care of my mom and didnt ask my father for a dime, i survived on a disability check from the military. since my mom passed away in 2010 and with the job market and one car, it has been diffucult for me to find a job. my brother works but its so far away majority of his money goes for gas, the pay is pretty good for todays market thats why he keeps it. also there arent that many in crestview where we live. we are barely getting the bills paid, have had a few disconncection notices, but havent had lights out yet, thank jesus for that. Most of my brothers money goes for gas and a few of the bills. i pay the rest of the bills with what i get from my disability check, amounts to 560.00 a month. problems is our house is being foreclosed on, my brother and i werent on the loan and the mortgage co. wouldnt negotiate with us to lowe the 1047.00 payment, so we stopped being able to pay the mortgage a year and a half ago. each day now, we wait for the knock at the door or the letter that says we will have to get out. unfortunately our credit is not good due to being behind on monthly bills so much, not to mention my own bills have been left in the dust cause i cant pay them and stay on top of the others we have.

we have tried to get a loan thru my bank, no such luck, dont make enough money or credit is bad. we have tried our relatives, but they for some reason seem to think we dont exist anymore, couldnt begin to tell you why that is. we have tried contacting people my dad knew, his peers, friends, co workers in the southern baptist association, but it appears once someone knows you need help, they keep a low profile. we did not recieve a single response from any of our relatives or friends/coworkers of my dads. not even a letter saying we will be praying for you. so my brother and i have lost some of our faith, 2 years of unanswered prayer has taken its toll. we sit up nites trying to figure out how long we are going to be tested, why are we being tested so long, is it a test from god? what the heck is going on. my brothers and i are good people, loved our mom and dad and would have done anything for them and did, pretty much. yet our struggles continue, foreclosure will take place in the next couple of months and we cant even keep up with the bills, much less save any money to move to an apt or rent a house. we will literally be sleeping in our dads car if something were to happen anytime soon, the next month or so.

so i guess im asking for help, financial,informational, maybe someones got a house theyll let us live in for free, maybe someone who has been blessed by god will see fit to send us a check, i dont know. ive tried the state and local agencies but all their help, god bless em, is temporary. in the long run, i reallly dont know what we are going to do. my younger brother couldnt cope and shot himself in the head, fortunately god said it wasn this time, me-well i took some of my moms digoxyn one nite, but again, i guess god said no, cause im still here. my older brother is so depressed now, i worry about him. thats the easy way out, but for those who have been thru anything like we have, wondering when something good is going to happen, im sure you know what its like. we dont know why all this is happening, what lesson we are supposed to be learning, or why bad things happen to good people, but i can assure you im at the point that i dont really care, all i want is some help from some where before i and my brothers lose all our faith.

i have never thought god cause these bad things, i do know he is all powerful and could help us, but for some reason hasnt. thats what we dont understand. so if u have suggestions that will help right away or even ideas for long term help that would be greatly appreciated. money or a new home would be better, but one has to start somewher i guess. i see all sorts of lowlifes and people who dont deserve what they have out in the world. the ones who dont need the money get richer, the people who win the lottery spend it all on parties and trips and stupid stuff instead of helping people. i know u could think this is a scam, but i can assure u it is not, say a prayer, im sure god will touch your heart and let you know, what i say is true. i hope there is still some love in this world, some empathy, some sympathy, some compassion. in your hearts i know you will know i speak the truth. thanks for iistening and fell free to reply, send me an email, or call. i can give you our phone number if u do that. i must tell u though, if any funds are required up front, dont even bother writing, my brother and i have no groceries in the house and he has to go back to work on saturday and dont know if has enough gas to get there. the last straw would be him losing his job cause he cant get to work. pray for us, lite a candle and hopefully help will find its way to us. thank you and god bless.

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Re: here is my sad story

Post by Admin »

This is such an extensive email, and seems like you need help with quite a bit. I think your best bet is to explore our main site, using this link.
We have thousands of charities, assistance programs, and resources offered. Focus on the navigation bars on left side of screen.
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Re: here is my sad story

Post by Patriots »

Hello. I am trying to find some sort of program to help with paying rent this fall. My story for needing help in my medical classes will take up much of my time I spend working. I live with my girlfriend and two children and we recently applied for food stamps were told we make too much money so I'm afraid we would be denied rental assistance from Health and Human Services as well. I was wondering if you could provide information on other specific sources I could go to for long term assistance with our rent. I appreciate any information you may have! Thank you.
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