Legally required to move

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Legally required to move

Post by Skylert »

My name is Amber and I currently reside in an apartment in Puyallup with my boyfriend John. We have been living here for quite some time (years) but unfortunately for us after a series of bad luck and court cases we are legally required to be completely moved out of our apartment by December 31, 2021.
I just started working at my current job, my start date was November 15, 2021 and I am paid twice a month, dates being the 10th and 25th of every month. So my first full paycheck will be deposited into my account December 10, 2021.
My boyfriend John is unfortunately still having to collect unemployment, he lost his job in the thick of COVID. His benefits are going to be ending here within the next few weeks. He has been applying to many jobs and hasn't gotten any callbacks yet.
Due to our unique circumstances we are most definitely at risk for being homeless if we do not find an apartment by the end of December. However, due to the fact that Christmas is right around that same time I would like to think that we should have found a place and began moving in/already moved in by mid December.
I sat down and worked out both of our finances and there is no way we will have enough money to get us into a new spot to continue having a roof over our heads. I've exhausted many other ideas as to what we can do with the resources that we have, but nothing seems to be coming to fruition and we are out of time.
We're both hardworking young citizens who just have been dealt a bad hand and I'm writing this email in hopes of getting in touch with someone who can assist us with move in costs or anything really at this point.
I really hope to hear back soon as this is a rather urgent matter, because this is my wellbeing and a matter of living on the streets or not, I'd like to have something set up by no later than December 10, 2021. Anything you can do to help, I would be forever grateful and happy to even come up with a payment plan to pay back anything granted to us. We just need help now and I don't know what to do.
Thank you so much,
JD Vance
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Re: Legally required to move

Post by JD Vance »

Never married and no relatives to help. Only one true friend.
I’m writing this email in hopes of obtaining information about financial assistance to cover my expenses for moving to another apartment., as I legally need to move
My situation is not unique. I’m one of 100’s, if NOT thousands of people, who have been given notice of vacating their apartments (home). The Management of my Apartment Complex has recently decided that they no longer want to rent to persons who use Section 8
as a way to cover their rent costs.
Thus, Turning down a guaranteed check, every month for the entire time of the lease; and payments for any damage because we pay apartment rent before being able to sign a lease, mmm credit and background checks…
Am I leaving anything out here
I am being told that I am to move by the time my annual recertification expires the end of June 2023.
I am NOT being evicted, but legally need to move to to a new apartment.
Let me say that this was sudden and unexpected.
On March 28, 2021, Nashville (TN) experienced a devastating flood that was worse than the one we experienced in
2010. Made the local and world news. The first floors of all four buildings; A-B-C
and D, are still under some form of reconstruction and not available to rent.
If you have any incite how this is logical, let me know.
I personally experienced it along with many neighbors in four buildings in our complex. The destruction caused by the flood to our 4 buildings at CityVUE (formerly South Brook; if you are doing a Google Maps search for me) caused FEMA to condemn them as Uninhabitable.
They were literally boarded up and we were all forced out that next morning when the electricity was shut off.
When I say “We” , I am counting all the different types of people that lived in all four buildings in our complex. Young old black white handicapped foreigners and some paid full rent and some had subsidized housing.
The Red Cross among other agencies helped relocate the people in the buildings.
I stayed with some friends for 15 1/2 weeks before the apartment building was refurbished enough to allow anyone inside.
Meanwhile, I petitioned the complex to relocate me in another apartment in another building on higher ground. That happened
July 5-6th. Yes, I was granted two days.
My apartment along with several dozen other people’s, sat for all those months with out any electricity (no lights or AC)
I lost a lot of item’s because of the extremes in temperatures. Like how rust gets in the metal seams of a trunk, suitcase and my microwave. I had to get new ones.
I hired a moving company to help pack up my belongings on one day and then move them (less than a half mile away) to my new apartment. They helped me with off site disposal of my rusted stuff along with other things that I had to throw away.
Because of Covid19 I began using my extra book case as a pantry for my food and staple goods.
I lost a LOT OF FOOD ‼️
Oils that soured. And salt that clumped. Flour that smelled of a weird mold and rust and dirt. Along with other food items and spices. I was devastated.
All things combined ; It cost me about $5,300.00. Just so you know, and FEMA did not cover it all. I had the Catholic Charities help me with the difference.
Right now I have an application in with a nearby apartment complex that will hopefully have a place for me in the next few months. Before June 30th.
I have been working with my friend (of 42 years) to down size the boxes a bunch NOT UNPACKED FROM JULY 6th 2022‼️‼️
I’ve been on my own pretty much to hunt down apartments that still even take HCVs (Housing Choice Voucher) for rent, under MDHA.
Same as with the unpacking giant boxes of stuff. In some cases piled up random items that were just the nearest thing to grab. Because it was July 5th and a 106* out side and so humid. Inside the apartment where the young men worked to pack my boxes their was limited lighting and no AC.
I’m going to avoid that this move. Cooler month and weather. And less chaos and clutter.
I am so weary.
Let this sink in a minute…
Like with any business or agency lately; you get a number and call it. They say visit our website. But it is hard to find a lawyer for the legal issues I have and need to move for.
Then the website says, Call your local office and ask them. Send out a couple emails to people,
And then you go around with a couple more calls and a few more questions and then you don’t get any answers or help or replies.
The ONLY GOVERNMENT PERSON who helped me with actual paperwork of a list of possible apartments and a few xerox pages of charities and agencies was Brenda Elliott. She works with the Metro Action Commission here in Nashville. She is a wonderful woman.
Give her a raise and guarantee her job.
Believe me ‼️I have looked ‼️
Now I am asking you to please help me with the debt I am about to incur.
Will you be able to reimburse me for this if I put it on my credit card 💳.
That’s the only way I can pay for it today, right now.
And like FEMA I will invoice 🧾 everything that I have to pay for during this process.
Can you please send me the name of the reliable source for this information.
If not your group, please let me know WHO….
Running out of time and options here….
And not just another dead end.
What if there was some creative financing where my rent could get covered for a few months. And then I could pay for a few months of my debt while some paperwork goes through proper channels. And I am reimbursed by someone paying off credit card. Directly.
And I don’t get further in debt. I’m sure you are familiar with Interest Rates.
My current FICO score is 803.
Please don’t let my rambling get in the way of your trying to understand my need. I can show you copies of my awards letter from SSD hand SSI for 2023. I have both direct deposit in my Bank of America account on the first and third of each month. Total: $934.00
SSI $152.00 SSD $782.00
Since the flood I had to buy a new car. My State Farm insurance doubled. My other car was paid for, and in excellent shape and running condition.
New expenses I never planned on getting.
Kia $159.00 a month
State Farm $102.00 a month.
Rent. $142.00 ($35.00 of which is added TO THE RENT AMOUNT, for new water and sewage bills)
Next, is the electric bill; between $70.00 and
$110.00. No I’m not kidding. One bedroom. Old building; 1974.
Lastly the $30-40.00 a month I pay on a couple hundred dollars on my credit card bill. Most all of my bills are auto pay. I decide what amount above the minimum that I can pay. It’s at least $20. to $30.00 over the minimum.
Thus the 803 FICO score.
When this jumps up to the thousands I will NOT be able to cover the monthly minimum.
Do the Math. Seriously.
Please help me out with what I need to do - to move due to a legal mandate.
I guess I’m finished.
Thanks for listening
Pass this email on to the team or the next person who needs to read it or whatever SO I DO NOT HAVE TO TYPE ANOTHER LETTER ‼️‼️
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Re: Legally required to move

Post by Ford999 »

I wanted to reach out and find out about rental assistance. I am in a tight bind, as my landlord is making me move and the courts are forcing it too.
I am behind on my rent by 2 months. I do not qualify for assistance with the rental assistance program within Thurston county due to my income. I am over the amount that they cap out at, so I am now legally required to move. My situation is unique in a way. I have lived in my home since September of 2022 and have not had any issues with paying my rent. I can afford it.
I recently went through a very bad divorce and my wages ended up being garnished. I had to contact the lawyer that handled my divorce because the bill that ended up being garnished from my paycheck was what my ex husband was supposed to pay. My attorney said that he will be held in contempt of court and have to pay the money back to me. But for the time being, I have to wait until we go back to court and the judge sets the time frame for when my ex husband will have to pay the monies back to me since it was his responsibility per our divorce.
My landlord has been working with me, but he recently told me that since I am 2 months behind and that I need to vacate as soon as possible. I have nowhere to go. At this moment, I cannot afford to move. The garnishment has stopped but it was being taken out of my check for 2.5 months. So it put me behind on all my bills. I was able to work out a payment plan for my power bill. But my landlord I think has just reached his limit and I completely understand.
If I can get some assistance so that I do not lose my housing, that would be great. I am even in a position to pay back the money on a monthly payment plan. I just do not know where else to turn for free lawyer or legal aid or money to move. It's just me and my daughter and I've been struggling since the garnishment happened. I am all out of options and I have nowhere else to turn. I don't even know where else to turn to be honest.
I am really hoping you can assist me. Or at least point me in the right direction. I'm nervous and scared. I do not know what else to do.
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Re: Legally required to move

Post by Admin »

Any time a legal issue comes up, whether around moving, housing, or other matters, try a free lawyer. Now it all comes down to the lease (and your local laws), and that is why if a property owners says you are legally required to do anything, ask a lawyer. Find free legal aid attorneys in all states.
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