Nurse who needs medical treatment as a patient

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Nurse who needs medical treatment as a patient

Post by Adamakin »

Good afternoon.
I'm in need of resources or emergency assistance for medical needs.
I may have been your nurse or maybe the nurse for your family members. I have been there for anyone I saw that was in need. I have spent years taking care of others, helping my patients recover and be healthy. Never thought I would be here now. I am currently struggling with medical issues that are preventing me from returning to work. I have been seeking medical treatment for myself. I can not work to provide for my family at this time. Please help me get back on my feet so I can return to work to pay it forward.
My home is falling apart and I can not repair it. There has been water damage and the floor has now started to it do becomes soft there is a leak in the roof. My disabled mother lives with me and my 3 daughters.. We were able to pay all of my bills while I was working. But I have been out of work since May 12 of this year as a nurse I can't work without needed medical treatment. I cannot return to work until my doctor has released me. I cannot pay my light bill or My water bill. My house payment end payment and land payment is $650 Per month. My vehicles have been all repossessed except 1. That 1 vehicle needs work and I need to pay the payment which is $500 per month which I'm behind since May. Please help me.
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Re: Nurse who needs medical treatment as a patient

Post by Terence »

Hi there, I’ve tried registering on the web forum, but have yet to get any approval email.
I’m living in Southern California, and I’ve been out of work as a nurse due to illness for the two years. I need medical treatment now so I can get back to my nursing job. I supplemented my income by renting a spare room, but recently lost my previous renter and have been trying to secure a new one. In the meantime however, I’ve fallen greatly behind in my bills, and need both emergency assistance until I can secure a new renter, and some reliable way of getting new side income while I seek the medical treatment.
I’ve tried the plasma donation method already, but was rejected due to my health issues. I’ve had many previous years of nursing, IT and management experience, and I am willing to learn and try almost anything at this point.
I know I can get back on my feet, if I can just get a chance to catch my breath. Can you help me?
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Re: Nurse who needs medical treatment as a patient

Post by Ethan »

Hi, to whom it concerns,
My name is Briyana,
I live in Arapahoe County in Aurora, CO. I have a chronic illness of Sickle Cell Anemia, and I request $ 7,000 dollars in Assistance. I work full-time as a nurse, and It is only enough to cover my bills and not the medical treatment I need. I'm having a hard time buying medical supplies and paying for treatment because all of my money goes to bills. I'm requesting help.
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