Estate executor legal aid contest

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Estate executor legal aid contest

Post by Roche »

I am looking to contest the executor of my fathers estate and her upcoming sale of his home on July 1st and I need legal aid to do this. I live in the home with my 4 daughters and 18 month old grand daughter and have since before our father passed away in March. While he was dying in the hospital that was already an issue with my siblings for some reason and so it was agreed that I would move out when either a will was located and I was instructed to or when the house was sold. The estate has been an issue, thus legal aid is needed.
Then the same day we were notified by mail that probate approved her as executor I was given a verbal notice that I had 60 days to be out, a few days before that time frame ended we were all notified by her that she spoken to someone who had offered my brother and I $90000 before we had heard back from probate and he was still interested & it was agreed I would try to be out by June 1st to help the sale process go smoother.
When the time came my brother informed us all that the guy was no longer interested because he never heard anything back from my sister about his offer.
Then June 10th my siblings were here taking the last load of trash from the yard and my sister left her vehicle here to go unload a couple trucks with a few other people under the pretense that it was so it could be loaded with the final load while she was gone. Within 20 minutes of me leaving to gather the last items for my daughter's birthday party they knew we were having that day, my oldest daughter called to let me know she was there with a property investor looking at the house and the next day informed us she had an offer for $60,000 and felt we should take it and had clearly already decided she was taking the offer.
During this 6 month span my brother moved in for 6 weeks and terrorized my kids to the point the cops were called because they felt unsafe. I was threatened with eviction, my sister tried intimidating me into agreeing to the deal saying she could have the home condemned and my family in the streets and have been threatened with violence by my brother on a couple different occasions.
They come to the home whenever they want, which is illegal per the estate. Even when they're unannounced I'm threatened with all these things if they can't get inside the home, my brother broke our screen door, part of our fence and our gate as well as a large amount of items that were supposed to be sold.
And not one time during all of this did my sister put the house up for sale after the estate settled. My brother did once in April and then got upset with the family and took it down from Facebook market place and then a week ago and a few days before the 3 of them informed me they were accepting the offer (which was also only being offered if I took my family to live in a hotel until I could find something better by July 1st so the new owner can start tearing it down because he has no interest in the trailer, just the land it's on) and I refused to agree to it because it was too small of an offer especially after she mishandled the previous offer for $30,000 more the 3 of them showed up unannounced while I wasn't home and started harassing and threatening me saying she knew she could condemn the property and leave my family homeless and broke until she sold the house, then told me that she would evict me and would take the money for her lawyer and any paperwork from my share of the house sale.
And my brother once again threatened me and tried to get me to fight him so I had to walk inside the house to avoid the physical confrontation and the only reason that stopped him from attacking me was because my 140+ lb pitbull/Labrador/terrier mix came out the door to greet me as I opened it.
There also hasn't been much communication other than a receipt showing his bank accounts being empty, and an occasional message informing us of a new creditor contacting her about his debt. I paid the property taxes and because I was informed a little while after they were due, I was forced to pay several days in late fees, and was informed that if I wasn't willing to do that then, then at the time of the sale they would be paid from my share at the price it was going to be then,.
We weren't notified of her filing any of his tax information, so in light of all this I don't feel she has done her job properly as executor nor did she put any effort into getting us even close to a legitimate offer for the home, especially accepting the 1st offer she received from the only person she took an offer from personally after losing out on an offer that was $30,000 better just 10 days earlier.
Also, in the 1st week after his funeral and the state settled my brother sent our cousin, who is a realtor, to the house to do an assessment, which was originally thought to be $135k-$140k but after doing a little more research he decided upon $110k-$120k.
Then last week after finding out she was going to make the sale, my brother and I posted the place back on Facebook and had 2 showings in the first 48 hours with the listing at $85,000,and both parties were very interested and for the $85,000 price but had to get a bank loan to purchase the place,, but it was built in 1971 so banks won't give loans for it's purchase, and I did it just to show her that it was worth more and we could get more because the property has a family appeal to it and the ones I met for the 2 showings loved everything about the place, all it took was a little effort on her part to make it happen but instead she spent the time figuring out how to make me leave as quickly as possible except during my first 60 day time limit when our sister passed away and the other 2 were going to her home to clean it out and sell it and her things because my sister Tina was her sole named beneficiary while my brother and I cleaned out most of the items here in this house because they informed us the same day we got the letters back from probate that we were no longer going to bother having an estate sale and it was going to be thrown away because the amount of stuff to go through was too overwhelming.
We then asked our free legal aid attorney as well as estate executor if they were getting a share of the money from the items we sold per the estate, and then the reason for accepting the recent offer was because the 2 of them were exhausted from dealing with all of it. Then when we split money my dad had here locked in a closet, I was only included in the split after agreeing to split the $5000 life insurance policy he left to me. Since she has been executor there have also been a couple of items sold were $1000-$6000 that were divided up instead of paying his debts and then the debts now being in her name is the other reason I was pushed to leave so she could sell the house and from the beginning.
I offered to be executor of the estate because nobody wanted to take on his debt but they weren't about to let that happen because being the only one close to my dad, I couldn't be trusted by them, my brother robbed this house 10-12 years ago and wasn't even allowed here until my dad asked him to deliver some cough medicine when he found out he had tested positive for covid and was told to get to the ER immediately to be quarantined and treated.
4 weeks before he died so nobody trusted him. Our sister Mary who died in March was a consistent drug abuser for years and so she wasn't trusted, my father believed that my sister Tonyas husband is controlling and influences most of her decisions so a couple of us wouldn't agree to her,
So that left Tina and we all thought that even though she had virtually no relationship with my dad and hadn't really spoken to him much in years after a fight they had about her personal life, that she would be the most fair, the most reliable, the most trustworthy to be the executor of the estate. She was the most business savvy when dealing with the home sale because she's sold a couple of her own in the past and had recently purchased a new one in the past 10 years or so, so was most likely to have the best ideas on how to go about it and how to maximize the value in the shortest amount of time to appease everyone and that was not what has occurred from my purview whatsoever.
What steps do I need to take to stop this sale and show that she clearly didn't do her duties and has overstepped and tried to use her position more for intimidation than anything else the past 6 months she has had it, and we need to all be named executors to ensure that the estate is handled properly from this point on, or that as much as none of us wanted it. So a free legal aid attorney to contest the issue or a mediator needs to be put in charge of the sale of the house and we work out a deal where my family leaves with the sale of the house as I originally agreed to in January without any outside interference from them, especially the threats against myself, my 17 year old daughter, and my girlfriend of 13 years who is the mother of my youngest daughter, so I can actually look for a place to move my family to and finally try to help my youngest cope with the loss of my father.
She was diagnosed 7 years ago with Severe separation anxiety disorder to the point I was out of work for the better part of 5 years because she was petrified that she would be abandoned wherever she went without me, and with my dad's help she had gotten to the point of being able to get through school days without leaving to look for me, and her behavior issues improved a little over time and that's because she finally felt safe and assured by someone besides me and as a result the 2 of them spent a lot of time together and doing things that she would be too uncomfortable or shy to have done with anybody else, such as fishing, and roller skating.
So she's struggling with being down to just me again and because of all the stress, pressure and drama my siblings have caused us all, she hasn't really had me either and the psychological effects are starting to show especially the past few weeks. Please any help would be greatly appreciated and is definitely needed to make sure I do things properly and as quickly as possible. Thank you,
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Re: Estate executor legal aid contest

Post by Olivia123 »

Hello my name is kara. I am in desperate need of mortgage assistance. My little brother recently passed away and I became the executor of his will with the free legal aid services. I really need help. If you can please call me or email me to let me know what I need to do that would be amazing. Thank you for your time and consideration...
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Re: Estate executor legal aid contest

Post by Admin »

So sorry to hear about your loss of your brother. Try a pro-bono, volunteer lawyer. Maybe they can help you with the estate, and look here for a volutneer attorneys near you.
Olivia123 wrote: Thu Jul 20, 2023 2:22 pm Hello my name is kara. I am in desperate need of mortgage assistance. My little brother recently passed away and I became the executor of his will with the free legal aid services. I really need help. If you can please call me or email me to let me know what I need to do that would be amazing. Thank you for your time and consideration...
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