Insurance from Obamacare or an affordable plan

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Insurance from Obamacare or an affordable plan

Post by Makeligh »

Hi, I'm a dog groomer, who makes around $300 a month. Available for work every day but due to medical issues I had to cut way back on how many I can groom. Physical limitations make it very difficult to work like I used to my whole life and pay bills. All utilities are turned off. Have to rely on food stamps to survive.
I am waiting on a judge to determine whether I qualify for disability. Have herniated/bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, arthritis, graves’ disease, depression and last year had thyroid disease where I underwent major surgery. Will Obamacare cover these sicknesses? My roommate lost her job of 15 years and is searching for help for herself as well. She's battling major depression.
I don't know what to do anymore. I had insurance through her work for ten years but now have nothing. I'm on life or death medications and medications to help me even function or work. I have no children. It's just me and my domestic partner. I need help desperately. Can you point me in the right direction? I need affordable medical insurance (been seeing same doctor for 15 years or so), I need dental surgery and my vision must be checked due to my graves’ disease which could cause blindness etc. if I'm not careful. Help get me a plan or Obamacare.
Thank you,
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Re: Insurance from Obamacare or an affordable plan

Post by Admin »

Obamacare will cover pre-existing conditions, such as arthritis, depression, etc. and the ones you indicated. But it is more than likely ending soon. Who knows what will replace it. But your income is so long you may qualify for assistance. Find a list of resources, including free health insurance policies.
Makeligh wrote:I am waiting on a judge to determine whether I qualify for disability. Have herniated/bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, arthritis, graves’ disease, depression and last year had thyroid disease where I underwent major surgery. Will Obamacare cover these sicknesses? My roommate lost her job of 15 years and is searching for help for herself as well. She's battling major depression.
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Re: Insurance from Obamacare or an affordable plan

Post by Lance13 »

My friend was a hard-working lady until she became sick recently. She was working at our local Wal-Mart but soon found herself out of work a lot due to serious stomach problems. Her hours were cut so much because of her illness that she began struggling with her bills. The only insurance she has is some type of Obama Care plan that won't pay for hardly any procedure or hospital care.
She has been in and out of hospitals lately but due to her lack of insurance coverage she is NOT receiving the care she should be! Brenda cannot digest food. There is a big name for her condition but I can't remember it. Every time she eats anything she throws it back up. She has lost a considerable amount of weight. Some days she can't make it out of bed.
Wal-Mart apparently got tired of her coming into work sick so they told her to go home and come back in July. This lady has bills to pay and her situation is taking a tremendous toll on her both physically and emotionally. She was scheduled for a surgical procedure at yet another hospital tomorrow to see exactly what is going on inside of her only to receive a call stating it had been canceled because her insurance will NOT pay for it!
Please! Is there anything you can do to help this Christian lady in her 50's? IS there another agency she or you may been able to speak with about this before it’s too late for her? She can't get Medicaid because she has a car in her name. She is in the process of hiring an attorney but he seems to be dragging his feet on this.
You can email me or call me and I can forward you on to her. She doesn't know I am requesting this in her behalf and I wasn't planning on telling her unless I received good news because I don't want to get her hopes up again only to be let down. Thanks so much.
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Re: Insurance from Obamacare or an affordable plan

Post by Admin »

Sadly health insurance is very costly. But there are some affordable policies/plans out there. They may cost still hundreds of dollars...unless you qualify for assistance from the ACA program. But we do have information on the options on our website. Find affordable health insurance policies.
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Re: Insurance from Obamacare or an affordable plan

Post by tyesha carter »

I had to go part time at work because my then 10 year old daughter had thyroid cancer and had to have a thyroidectomy and a partial radical neck dissection, and we did not have affordable insurance or Obamacare - now we need it. I applied for FMLA through NJ however I have not received any money and now all my bills are about 3 months behind and my rent is 1 month behind and our medical bills are way past due too. I need help on where to go for help I make too much money for NJTANF. and my Obamacare insurance rate is not fully subsidized. Please point me in the right direction. I just need help until I can get back to work full time and get back on my feet.
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