Are there loans to pay for dental work

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Are there loans to pay for dental work

Post by Leesman »

I am in need of dental work. It is effecting my health. I can't afford to go to a dentist. I can't get a loan. I live in Knox county Indiana. There is no program I can find to help me.

I am willingly to pay back for the services because I don't have children. I can't afford and I don't qualify for any program. I am not asking for charity because I do work. I have been missing more work because of my teeth being infected.
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Re: Are there loans to pay for dental work

Post by Betty »

I have an unemployed 24 year old son who needs dental work done. He does have UFT health insurance plan which I believe is part of Cigna but they don't cover a lot and I am on SSD so I cannot help him and his dad is useless.
He copay's for each cavity is $15 and I believe the Dr said he had 8. He also needs 3 wisdom teeth removed.. He has intermittent pain and that would cost between $335-$400, so a small loan for the cleaning and more would work. It is breaking my heart that I cannot help, I saw the following on your website and thought maybe you could help me help him.
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