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Beltrami, Itasca, Hubbard, and Cass County Salvation Army assistance programs.

Residents of northern Minnesota can call upon the Salvation Army for assistance. Nearby centers provide coverage to income qualified families in Beltrami, Itasca, and other counties. While resources will be limited, the non-profit may also have referrals and guidance. People of all backgrounds and religions can turn to the organization.

Feeding the hungry, including seniors and children, is always a main focus. So a number of pantries, meal programs and other resources can provide groceries, hot meals, and ongoing support year-round to the poor, unemployed and less fortunate. Families from the region, including Beltrami and Hubbard, can get help, no questions asked. Seniors citizens may qualify for home delivered meals or boxes of food. Items provided can be perishable, fruits, breads, meats, and maybe even baby formula.

Housing and homeless prevention assistance may be available in Minnesota, as funding allows. Inquire into emergency rental and utility bill assistance. Salvation Army social service centers in Itasca County may have help for you.

Other services include short term emergency shelters. This will provide residents a warm bed. Transitional housing is more of a long term option. This provides low income families and the homeless with more time to find a permanent home in Beltrami and Hubbard County. Participants can also receive case management, information on security deposit assistance, and details on other resources. Also get help with your housing search and the process involved in that.

Especially during the winter months, the HeatShare program can assist with paying utility and heating bills. This is especially true if faced with a disconnection, you are out of oil, or your power is to be turned off. Many income and other conditions need to be met by applicants, including being faced with a disconnection.

Trying to end poverty is something that case managers from the Salvation Army strive for. So to this end, some of the resources available include the following.

  • Job search and employment assistance can lead to an increased income and stability. Get help in acquiring skills or finding a job in northern Minnesota. For example, some employers may occasionally have job openings in Cass or Beltrami County.
  • Applications for longer term government and public aid, such as food stamps or section 8 housing, may be available. This will provide residents additional time to gain self-sufficiency.
  • General case management. This can include advice, guidance, and ongoing counseling for overcoming whatever challenge you have.





Christmas programs and other seasonal type services are available across Minnesota. Examples of Salvation Army programs include free Coats for Kids in Itasca County. Christmas resources include the Angel Tree, free holiday meals, and gifts for children and seniors. Some back to school supplies may be available during the fall.

Disaster relief is a core service of the Salvation Army across the nation. If a disaster, such as a flood, tornado, or fire occurs, the non-profit provides assistance and critical services to those impacted. People in the region can get food, water, vouchers for paying for shelter, and much more. Volunteers and specialists are on call.

While rare, other Salvation Army programs include transportation assistance. This can include gasoline or a ride to get to a job interview or medical appointment (for seniors). This is generally for people who would otherwise be self-sufficient and is for local rides in the area, say a nearby location in Hubbard County. Information on clinics or basic medical check ups may be available.

Last, but not least, thrift stores sell clothes, furniture, household items, and more at reduced rates. The lowest income individuals may get a voucher so the items is really provided for free. All thrift stores depend on donations from the community.

Get help and apply to the Salvation Army programs

To learn more or get help, call the Salvation Army centers at (701) 775-7255. Other centers are at 107 W Howard St, Hibbing, MN (218) 263-5096. Another location is at 20734 U.S. 169, Grand Rapids, Minnesota (218) 326-4847.


By Jon McNamara











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