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Financial and and referrals from Community Services Society.

Working poor and low income residents in New York City can get information on a number of programs from Community Services Society. The organization advocates on behalf of the struggling, poor, and homeless in all boroughs of the city. Clients can get information on low income apartments and housing, federal government and state benefits, and much more.

Benefit Counselors from CSS offer resources and information on housing programs available in the city. Individuals and families can also get screened for benefits such as SNAP, SSI, Cash Assistance. Not only that, but they can also help in applying for these benefits programs and public aid. This service if free and is offered to all NYC residents and covers the entire region, including the boroughs of Queens, Bronx, and Brooklyn.

Case managers will screen for resources that individuals or families may be eligible for. They will help them apply, answer questions, and even fix errors on their applications. Staff from Community Services Society can provide information on all of these.

Preventing homelessness and evictions is a key goal in the greater New York City area. So the agency may have information on rental assistance programs that are available in five boroughs, including those that provide zero interest rate loans or get help in finding low income apartments. This may also include families receiving help with paying security deposit on a new, permanent home. Clients will need to call 212-254-8900 as no walk ins are accepted.

Financial Advocacy Program from CCS offers residents access to workshops and coaching. The non-profit agency offers this service at various non-profit community-based organizations, hospitals, and other agencies across Manhattan and other boroughs. The service is targeted at low-income communities in New York City.

As part of this advocacy program, participants will gain access to benefits coaching, counseling, and money management services. Those are the type of skills that can help a family gain stability and exit poverty. There are two main parts of it, and they are ACES Project as well as Financial Coaching Corps.

Most of the sessions are also held by volunteers from the community. While they may be volunteering their time to help out, they all receive extensive training and are very knowledgeable as to the process. Those who work with CCS are committed to helping the less fortunate in improving their finances and access any government benefits they are entitled too.





Other anti-poverty and workforce development services are available as well. With the high cost of living in New York City causing challenges, many low income families struggle to pay the rent and their bill on a monthly basis. This may be because of insufficient benefits, low wages and all too few prospects for career advancement. So Community Services Society will also work to address these challenges and get New Yorkers on the path to path to secure employment.

Some of the cash assistance type programs available in the state include Social Security Benefits, SSDI disability, and transitional benefits. There is also the primary resource for paying heating bills, which is HEAP, and this program can keep a home warm during the winter.

As noted above, there are other programs in the city of New York that can help low income families or those living in poverty. Some of the resources that may be available include SNAP food stamps, details from Community Services Society on low income apartments that are available in New York City, TANF cash assistance, and many more.

For more information on these programs or for intake, the main center Community Services Society is at 633 Third Avenue in NYC. Or dial 212-254-8900.




By Jon McNamara











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